How to increase efficiency of your software development force in the post-COVID world.

How to increase efficiency of your software development force in the post-COVID world.

There are some interesting trends in the efficiency of software engineering teams in the new reality.

It was clear from the very beginning that there would be some decline in efficiency because of switching from office space to working from home (WFH).

Now we’ve got the hard data from Google to back it up. These guys are incredibly good at measuring things and they see an average of 30% decline for their teams.

We’ve heard the same estimates from many of my colleagues around the world during the last couple of months, so we can use it as a hard fact with a high level of certainty: “Traditional software engineering teams are 30% less efficient after switching to remote working.”

A ready-made remote team know how to work remotely by design and much more prepared for the new reality.

The speed of change and team efficiency became a critical success factor in the post-COVID world.

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